12 Feb

Most new homes in Texas are constructed on slab-type foundations. This is because clay and loose dirt that can be found in older foundations make it difficult or impossible for foundation contractors to lay foundations with these kinds of soils. That's why new basements are so rare here.

Many older homes in Texas were built with shifting soils in minds, so they were built without concrete piers. Newer slabs can be built using shifting soils in mind as well, but older ones were built using concrete piers. If you find your basement has cracks, you might want to consider a slab foundation repair, view here for more details. If you're not comfortable with doing it yourself, you can hire a foundation contractor to come in and do some work for you.

Cracks are one of the biggest problems that people face with clay-based concrete foundations. In order for slab foundation repair to even be attempted, cracks have to be repaired. The problem is that repairing a crack in your basement doesn't make much sense unless there's a leak coming in from another part of the house. There isn't usually a lot of extra space in older houses for water leaks to get into, so this kind of foundation issue is usually easy to fix.

The slab leveling austin tx engineers also recommend using steel piers during times when water management is an issue. There are a couple of different reasons for this. One is that steel piers are often a lot stronger than concrete footers. They're also more capable of bearing the weight of the soil surrounding a house, which can add significant weight to a foundation if soil pressure isn't managed properly. This can really help to improve drainage around a house and make foundation repairs easier in the long run.

Sometimes foundation damage is caused by soil shifting, especially if you're located on a big hill or if you have a lot of soil moving through your city. In these cases, you might need to hire a pro to come in and do some footwork on your behalf. Some engineers will actually suggest building over natural ridges in an attempt to redirect any excess water away from the foundation. These engineers also believe that adding a layer of concrete slabs underneath a slab will actually add additional support that might eliminate problems with settling.
Don't let slab foundation repair scare you. 

Even if you haven't had to deal with foundation damage in the past, it can happen to you don't want to be unprepared. Make sure you do some research and find a company that offers great prices without sacrificing quality workmanship and service. A good contractor should be able to point out all of the options you have for water management, and should be able to provide you with a custom design for your foundation repair as well.

To get more enlightened about this topic, it is recommended to see this post: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shallow_foundation.

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